2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Be a Sponsor

Via Arté is only possible with the support of community and corporate sponsors. To become a Via Arté sponsor complete the form below or call (661) 323-7219 for more information. All payments are 100% tax-deductible.

Support the Bakersfield Museum of Art’s Via Arté by becoming an exhibition sponsor. Your support is vital to the success of this Bakersfield tradition. As a sponsor, your name will be prominently displayed above a work of art that will be viewed by thousands of exhibition spectators.

Note: Benefits for sponsorships received after October 7, 2024 will be limited to name and/or logo on electronic materials.

Festival Sponsorships


Name inscribed above 10 x 15 ft. square

Artistic representation by 2024 Featured Artist

Four tickets to private donor reception, Bella Festa!, Monday, Oct. 21

Right to use “Official Sponsor of Via Arté” in company materials

Featured square location at festival

Name recognition in radio and television promotions (when possible)

Top billing in all printed and electronic promotional materials

Recognition as Presentatore Sponsor of the 26th Annual Via Arté Italian Street Painting Festival

Angeli Sponsor

Name inscribed above 12 x 12 ft. artist square

Artistic representation by professional artist

Logo featured on website

Logo featured in all printed materials and on-site signage

2 Tickets to private donor reception, Bella Festa!, Monday, Oct. 21

Right to use “Official Sponsor of Via Arté” in your company’s materials

Prominent square location at festival

Prominent logo placement in all printed and electronic promotional materials

Name recognition in radio and television promotions (when possible)

Benefattori Sponsor

Name inscribed above 8x12 ft. artist square

Artistic representation by professional artist

Logo on website

Logo on all printed materials and on-site signage

Two tickets to private donor reception, Bella Festa!, Monday, Oct. 21

Right to use “Official Sponsor of Via Arté” in company materials

Logo placement in all printed and electronic materials

Prominent square location at festival

Amici Sponsor

Name inscribed above 8x12 ft. artist square

Artistic representation by professional artist

Name on website

Name on all printed materials and on-site signage

Two tickets to private donor reception, Bella Festa!, Monday, Oct. 21

Right to use “Official Sponsor of Via Arté” in company materials

Grazie Sponsor

Name inscribed above 7x7 ft. artist square

Artistic representation by emerging artist or High School Group

Name on website

Futuro Sponsor

Name inscribed above 4x6 ft. artist square

Artistic representation by emerging artist

Name on website

Additional Sponsorships

T-Shirt Sponsorship

Your logo will be prominently placed on the 2024 Via Arté t-shirts provided to Via Arté professional chalk artists and for purchase at the Information Tent.

  • Name inscribed in large letters on 7x7 ft. square

  • Artistic representation by emerging artist


Chalk Box Sponsorship

Have your logo printed on every chalk box for over 600 families participating in the Via Bambino Children’s Art Area.

  • Name or Logo label on chalk boxes

  • Name inscribed in large letters on 7x7 ft. square

  • Artistic representation by emerging artist

Fan Sponsor

Display your logo on 5,000 complimentary fans handed out at the Festival.

  • Name or logo on fan

  • Name inscribed on 7x7ft. square at Via Arté Festival

  • Artist representation by emerging artist.

Scholastic Area Sponsor

Support local high school students as they complete their given square.

  • Signage near Student area

  • Provide volunteers to assist in Scholastic Area

  • Name inscribed in large letters on 7x7 ft. square

  • Artistic representation by local artist

Bambino Children's Art Area Sponsor

Support local children and families as they create their own chalk art.

  • Logo recognition on Via Arté website and digital marketing

  • Name listed on vinyl signs throughout Via Bambino Children’s Art Area

  • Name inscribed in large letters on 7x7 ft. square

  • Artistic representation by local artist


Bella Festa! Event Sponsor
  • Name or logo on Bella Festa! invitation, website, and email communications.

  • 4 tickets to Monday, October 21 event at Mama Tosca’s Restaurant

  • Name inscribed on 7x7 ft. square at Via Arte Festival

  • Artist Representation by local artist

Artists may be suggested by sponsors. However, artists must apply for and be accepted as participants in the exhibit based on portfolio and registration. If a suggested artist is not accepted as a participant for Via Arté you as a sponsor are allowing us to choose an artist for your square. All artists must apply by September 2, 2024.

Artist registration information can be found at viaartebakersfield.com/artists.