2024 Festival Awards
The Via Arté Italian Street Painting Festival is a juried exhibition of artistic talent.

People's Choice - Professional
Esai Mendez, original work, 2024, 10' x 15', chalk on asphalt. Sponsored by Bakersfield Museum of Art.

Tie! - People's Choice Student & Groups
Bakersfield Christian High School, after "Jellyfish" by Ravenswood Guild, 2024,
7' x 7', chalk on asphalt. Sponsored by Bakersfield Museum of Art.

Tie! - People's Choice Student & Groups
Highland High School, after "Judenstil" by Otto Eckman (1896), 2024, 7' x 7', chalk on asphalt. Sponsored by Bakersfield Museum of Art.

Best Use of Color
Awarded to the artist who successfully employs color and tonal value to render their subject matter with lively dimension, texture, and/or form.
Prize for Professional Artist: $350
Best Technique
Awarded to the artist who demonstrates expert skill in rendering a final image that is clean and consistent with their chosen method of execution.
Prize for Professional Artist: $350
Best Rendition of a Renaissance Master
Awarded to the artist who can best replicate the original work of art by a Renaissance Master painter.
Prize for Professional Artist: $350
People’s Choice
Selected by the people, the people’s choice winner is the square that gets the most votes throughout the run of the festival. Votes are tallied after the festival and the winner is announced on Tuesday, October 22. 2024 will be the first year there are two categories: a professional artists category and the High School Artists.
Prize for Professional Artist: $350
Best in Festival
Awarded to the artist who displays mastery in more than one of the above categories, or all elements of art (line, form, value, color, texture, subject matter, etc.). Produces an overall exemplary work of art.
Prize for Professional Artist: $700
Juror Evaluation
Guest Jurors are selected by the Bakersfield Museum of Art based on their qualifications to appropriately evaluate art to festival standards. The juror is instructed to view each square and make selections based on artists who display mastery in use of color, space, technique, and ability to replicate a masterwork. Each winning square should display an overall understanding in ALL elements of art (line, form, value, color, texture, subject matter, etc.). Selections are made solely by the guest juror.
Past Winnners
2023 Festival Awards
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2022 Festival Awards
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2021 Festival Awards
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Honorable Mentions
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2020 Festival Award

2019 Festival Awards
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Honorable Mentions
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2018 Festival Awards
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2017 Festival Awards
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2016 Festival Awards
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